1. Install DIVI and Woocommerce and extract downloaded files
2. Install DiviSHOPPER child theme
3. Install QuadMenu
4. Install Slider Revolution
5. Import Slider Revolution demo sliders
6. Install free plugins
7. Import Divi theme options and customizer settings
8. Import WordPress dummy content (posts, pages, products, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags)
How to install and use DiviSHOPPER child theme
Before you start installing DiviSHOPPER child theme, you should install DIVI and WOOCOMMERCE plugin
1. Then download and extract DiviShopper file you received with your purchase named “DIvi”
- DiviShopper child theme is a .zip file located inside extracted folder, named “”
- Plugins bundled with the theme are located in folder named “Plugins”
- .json page layouts are located in folder named “Page layouts”
- Optionally, you can import theme options, theme settings, wordpress dummy content and demo products, located in folder called “Demo settings and data”
2. Install DiviSHOPPER child theme ( )
4. Install Slider Revolution ( )
5. Import Slider Revolution demo sliders
FIles are located “Plugins \ Demo menu and sliders”
In wordpress dashboard go to Slider revolution > Manual import, and drag in the slider demo file
6. Optionally, according to your need, install free plugins
Ajax Search Lite
Popups for Divi – used in Covid-19 popup
WP Social Chat
WPC Smart Quick View for WooCommerce
WC Secondary Product Thumbnail
7. Import Divi theme options and customizer settings
8. In case you feel like it (but not advisable), you can import WordPress dummy content
Some and very few tweaks are located in Divi > Theme options > Custom css
Slider revolution and QuadMenu plugins are bought as an extended licence, which makes them possibe to be included in this child theme. This also means you can freely use them on you child theme, but for updates and support you have to buy regular licence. We can also not provide support for third party plugins used in this theme.
Due to the nature of the downloaded items, refunds are not available.